

The pipelines subpackage contains API to access the models with pretrained weights, and information/helper functions associated the pretrained weights.

RNN-T Streaming/Non-Streaming ASR


class torchaudio.pipelines.RNNTBundle[source]

Dataclass that bundles components for performing automatic speech recognition (ASR, speech-to-text) inference with an RNN-T model.

More specifically, the class provides methods that produce the featurization pipeline, decoder wrapping the specified RNN-T model, and output token post-processor that together constitute a complete end-to-end ASR inference pipeline that produces a text sequence given a raw waveform.

It can support non-streaming (full-context) inference as well as streaming inference.

Users should not directly instantiate objects of this class; rather, users should use the instances (representing pre-trained models) that exist within the module, e.g. EMFORMER_RNNT_BASE_LIBRISPEECH.

>>> import torchaudio
>>> from torchaudio.pipelines import EMFORMER_RNNT_BASE_LIBRISPEECH
>>> import torch
>>> # Non-streaming inference.
>>> # Build feature extractor, decoder with RNN-T model, and token processor.
>>> feature_extractor = EMFORMER_RNNT_BASE_LIBRISPEECH.get_feature_extractor()
100%|███████████████████████████████| 3.81k/3.81k [00:00<00:00, 4.22MB/s]
>>> decoder = EMFORMER_RNNT_BASE_LIBRISPEECH.get_decoder()
Downloading: "https://download.pytorch.org/torchaudio/models/emformer_rnnt_base_librispeech.pt"
100%|███████████████████████████████| 293M/293M [00:07<00:00, 42.1MB/s]
>>> token_processor = EMFORMER_RNNT_BASE_LIBRISPEECH.get_token_processor()
100%|███████████████████████████████| 295k/295k [00:00<00:00, 25.4MB/s]
>>> # Instantiate LibriSpeech dataset; retrieve waveform for first sample.
>>> dataset = torchaudio.datasets.LIBRISPEECH("/home/librispeech", url="test-clean")
>>> waveform = next(iter(dataset))[0].squeeze()
>>> with torch.no_grad():
>>>     # Produce mel-scale spectrogram features.
>>>     features, length = feature_extractor(waveform)
>>>     # Generate top-10 hypotheses.
>>>     hypotheses = decoder(features, length, 10)
>>> # For top hypothesis, convert predicted tokens to text.
>>> text = token_processor(hypotheses[0][0])
>>> print(text)
he hoped there would be stew for dinner turnips and carrots and bruised potatoes and fat mutton pieces to [...]
>>> # Streaming inference.
>>> hop_length = EMFORMER_RNNT_BASE_LIBRISPEECH.hop_length
>>> num_samples_segment = EMFORMER_RNNT_BASE_LIBRISPEECH.segment_length * hop_length
>>> num_samples_segment_right_context = (
>>>     num_samples_segment + EMFORMER_RNNT_BASE_LIBRISPEECH.right_context_length * hop_length
>>> )
>>> # Build streaming inference feature extractor.
>>> streaming_feature_extractor = EMFORMER_RNNT_BASE_LIBRISPEECH.get_streaming_feature_extractor()
>>> # Process same waveform as before, this time sequentially across overlapping segments
>>> # to simulate streaming inference. Note the usage of ``streaming_feature_extractor`` and ``decoder.infer``.
>>> state, hypothesis = None, None
>>> for idx in range(0, len(waveform), num_samples_segment):
>>>     segment = waveform[idx: idx + num_samples_segment_right_context]
>>>     segment = torch.nn.functional.pad(segment, (0, num_samples_segment_right_context - len(segment)))
>>>     with torch.no_grad():
>>>         features, length = streaming_feature_extractor(segment)
>>>         hypotheses, state = decoder.infer(features, length, 10, state=state, hypothesis=hypothesis)
>>>     hypothesis = hypotheses[0]
>>>     transcript = token_processor(hypothesis[0])
>>>     if transcript:
>>>         print(transcript, end=" ", flush=True)
he hoped there would be stew for dinner turn ips and car rots and bru 'd oes and fat mut ton pieces to [...]
Tutorials using RNNTBundle:

Constructs RNN-T decoder.




Constructs feature extractor for non-streaming (full-context) ASR.




Constructs feature extractor for streaming (simultaneous) ASR.




Constructs token processor.



property sample_rate

Sample rate (in cycles per second) of input waveforms.



property n_fft

Size of FFT window to use.



property n_mels

Number of mel spectrogram features to extract from input waveforms.



property hop_length

Number of samples between successive frames in input expected by model.



property segment_length

Number of frames in segment in input expected by model.



property right_context_length

Number of frames in right contextual block in input expected by model.



RNNTBundle - FeatureExtractor

class RNNTBundle.FeatureExtractor[source]
abstract __call__(input: torch.Tensor)Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]

Generates features and length output from the given input tensor.


input (torch.Tensor) – input tensor.



Features, with shape (length, *).


Length, with shape (1,).

Return type

(torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor)

RNNTBundle - TokenProcessor

class RNNTBundle.TokenProcessor[source]
abstract __call__(tokens: List[int], **kwargs)str

Decodes given list of tokens to text sequence.


tokens (List[int]) – list of tokens to decode.


Decoded text sequence.

Return type




Pre-trained Emformer-RNNT-based ASR pipeline capable of performing both streaming and non-streaming inference.

The underlying model is constructed by torchaudio.models.emformer_rnnt_base() and utilizes weights trained on LibriSpeech using training script train.py here with default arguments.

Please refer to RNNTBundle for usage instructions.

wav2vec 2.0 / HuBERT - Representation Learning

class torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2Bundle[source]

Data class that bundles associated information to use pretrained Wav2Vec2Model.

This class provides interfaces for instantiating the pretrained model along with the information necessary to retrieve pretrained weights and additional data to be used with the model.

Torchaudio library instantiates objects of this class, each of which represents a different pretrained model. Client code should access pretrained models via these instances.

Please see below for the usage and the available values.

Example - Feature Extraction
>>> import torchaudio
>>> bundle = torchaudio.pipelines.HUBERT_BASE
>>> # Build the model and load pretrained weight.
>>> model = bundle.get_model()
100%|███████████████████████████████| 360M/360M [00:06<00:00, 60.6MB/s]
>>> # Resample audio to the expected sampling rate
>>> waveform = torchaudio.functional.resample(waveform, sample_rate, bundle.sample_rate)
>>> # Extract acoustic features
>>> features, _ = model.extract_features(waveform)
get_model(self, *, dl_kwargs=None)torchaudio.models.Wav2Vec2Model[source]

Construct the model and load the pretrained weight.

The weight file is downloaded from the internet and cached with torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url()


dl_kwargs (dictionary of keyword arguments) – Passed to torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url().

property sample_rate

Sample rate of the audio that the model is trained on.





wav2vec 2.0 model with “Base” configuration.

Pre-trained on 960 hours of unlabeled audio from LibriSpeech dataset [1] (the combination of “train-clean-100”, “train-clean-360”, and “train-other-500”). Not fine-tuned.

Originally published by the authors of wav2vec 2.0 [2] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2Bundle() for the usage.



Build “large” wav2vec2 model.

Pre-trained on 960 hours of unlabeled audio from LibriSpeech dataset [1] (the combination of “train-clean-100”, “train-clean-360”, and “train-other-500”). Not fine-tuned.

Originally published by the authors of wav2vec 2.0 [2] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2Bundle() for the usage.



Build “large-lv60k” wav2vec2 model.

Pre-trained on 60,000 hours of unlabeled audio from Libri-Light dataset [3]. Not fine-tuned.

Originally published by the authors of wav2vec 2.0 [2] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2Bundle() for the usage.



wav2vec 2.0 model with “Base” configuration.

Trained on 56,000 hours of unlabeled audio from multiple datasets ( Multilingual LibriSpeech [4], CommonVoice [5] and BABEL [6]). Not fine-tuned.

Originally published by the authors of Unsupervised Cross-lingual Representation Learning for Speech Recognition [7] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2Bundle() for the usage.



HuBERT model with “Base” configuration.

Pre-trained on 960 hours of unlabeled audio from LibriSpeech dataset [1] (the combination of “train-clean-100”, “train-clean-360”, and “train-other-500”). Not fine-tuned.

Originally published by the authors of HuBERT [8] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2Bundle() for the usage.



HuBERT model with “Large” configuration.

Pre-trained on 60,000 hours of unlabeled audio from Libri-Light dataset [3]. Not fine-tuned.

Originally published by the authors of HuBERT [8] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2Bundle() for the usage.



HuBERT model with “Extra Large” configuration.

Pre-trained on 60,000 hours of unlabeled audio from Libri-Light dataset [3]. Not fine-tuned.

Originally published by the authors of HuBERT [8] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2Bundle() for the usage.

wav2vec 2.0 / HuBERT - Fine-tuned ASR


class torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle[source]

Data class that bundles associated information to use pretrained Wav2Vec2Model.

This class provides interfaces for instantiating the pretrained model along with the information necessary to retrieve pretrained weights and additional data to be used with the model.

Torchaudio library instantiates objects of this class, each of which represents a different pretrained model. Client code should access pretrained models via these instances.

Please see below for the usage and the available values.

Example - ASR
>>> import torchaudio
>>> bundle = torchaudio.pipelines.HUBERT_ASR_LARGE
>>> # Build the model and load pretrained weight.
>>> model = bundle.get_model()
100%|███████████████████████████████| 1.18G/1.18G [00:17<00:00, 73.8MB/s]
>>> # Check the corresponding labels of the output.
>>> labels = bundle.get_labels()
>>> print(labels)
('-', '|', 'E', 'T', 'A', 'O', 'N', 'I', 'H', 'S', 'R', 'D', 'L', 'U', 'M', 'W', 'C', 'F', 'G', 'Y', 'P', 'B', 'V', 'K', "'", 'X', 'J', 'Q', 'Z')
>>> # Resample audio to the expected sampling rate
>>> waveform = torchaudio.functional.resample(waveform, sample_rate, bundle.sample_rate)
>>> # Infer the label probability distribution
>>> emissions, _ = model(waveform)
>>> # Pass emission to decoder
>>> # `ctc_decode` is for illustration purpose only
>>> transcripts = ctc_decode(emissions, labels)
Tutorials using Wav2Vec2ASRBundle:
get_model(self, *, dl_kwargs=None)torchaudio.models.Wav2Vec2Model

Construct the model and load the pretrained weight.

The weight file is downloaded from the internet and cached with torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url()


dl_kwargs (dictionary of keyword arguments) – Passed to torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url().

get_labels(*, blank: str = '-')Tuple[str][source]

The output class labels (only applicable to fine-tuned bundles)

The first is blank token, and it is customizable.


blank (str, optional) – Blank token. (default: '-')


For models fine-tuned on ASR, returns the tuple of strings representing the output class labels.

Return type


>>> import torchaudio
>>> torchaudio.models.HUBERT_ASR_LARGE.get_labels()
('-', '|', 'E', 'T', 'A', 'O', 'N', 'I', 'H', 'S', 'R', 'D', 'L', 'U', 'M', 'W', 'C', 'F', 'G', 'Y', 'P', 'B', 'V', 'K', "'", 'X', 'J', 'Q', 'Z')
property sample_rate

Sample rate of the audio that the model is trained on.





Build “base” wav2vec2 model with an extra linear module

Pre-trained on 960 hours of unlabeled audio from LibriSpeech dataset [1] (the combination of “train-clean-100”, “train-clean-360”, and “train-other-500”), and fine-tuned for ASR on 10 minutes of transcribed audio from Libri-Light dataset [3] (“train-10min” subset).

Originally published by the authors of wav2vec 2.0 [2] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle() for the usage.



Build “base” wav2vec2 model with an extra linear module

Pre-trained on 960 hours of unlabeled audio from LibriSpeech dataset [1] (the combination of “train-clean-100”, “train-clean-360”, and “train-other-500”), and fine-tuned for ASR on 100 hours of transcribed audio from “train-clean-100” subset.

Originally published by the authors of wav2vec 2.0 [2] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle() for the usage.



Build “base” wav2vec2 model with an extra linear module

Pre-trained on 960 hours of unlabeled audio from LibriSpeech dataset [1] (the combination of “train-clean-100”, “train-clean-360”, and “train-other-500”), and fine-tuned for ASR on the same audio with the corresponding transcripts.

Originally published by the authors of wav2vec 2.0 [2] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle() for the usage.



Build “large” wav2vec2 model with an extra linear module

Pre-trained on 960 hours of unlabeled audio from LibriSpeech dataset [1] (the combination of “train-clean-100”, “train-clean-360”, and “train-other-500”), and fine-tuned for ASR on 10 minutes of transcribed audio from Libri-Light dataset [3] (“train-10min” subset).

Originally published by the authors of wav2vec 2.0 [2] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle() for the usage.



Build “large” wav2vec2 model with an extra linear module

Pre-trained on 960 hours of unlabeled audio from LibriSpeech dataset [1] (the combination of “train-clean-100”, “train-clean-360”, and “train-other-500”), and fine-tuned for ASR on 100 hours of transcribed audio from the same dataset (“train-clean-100” subset).

Originally published by the authors of wav2vec 2.0 [2] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle() for the usage.



Build “large” wav2vec2 model with an extra linear module

Pre-trained on 960 hours of unlabeled audio from LibriSpeech dataset [1] (the combination of “train-clean-100”, “train-clean-360”, and “train-other-500”), and fine-tuned for ASR on the same audio with the corresponding transcripts.

Originally published by the authors of wav2vec 2.0 [2] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle() for the usage.



Build “large-lv60k” wav2vec2 model with an extra linear module

Pre-trained on 60,000 hours of unlabeled audio from Libri-Light dataset [3], and fine-tuned for ASR on 10 minutes of transcribed audio from the same dataset (“train-10min” subset).

Originally published by the authors of wav2vec 2.0 [2] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle() for the usage.



Build “large-lv60k” wav2vec2 model with an extra linear module

Pre-trained on 60,000 hours of unlabeled audio from Libri-Light dataset [3], and fine-tuned for ASR on 100 hours of transcribed audio from LibriSpeech dataset [1] (“train-clean-100” subset).

Originally published by the authors of wav2vec 2.0 [2] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle() for the usage.



Build “large-lv60k” wav2vec2 model with an extra linear module

Pre-trained on 60,000 hours of unlabeled audio from Libri-Light [3] dataset, and fine-tuned for ASR on 960 hours of transcribed audio from LibriSpeech dataset [1] (the combination of “train-clean-100”, “train-clean-360”, and “train-other-500”).

Originally published by the authors of wav2vec 2.0 [2] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle() for the usage.



wav2vec 2.0 model with “Base” configuration.

Pre-trained on 10k hours of unlabeled audio from VoxPopuli dataset [9] (“10k” subset, consisting of 23 languages). Fine-tuned for ASR on 282 hours of transcribed audio from “de” subset.

Originally published by the authors of VoxPopuli [9] under CC BY-NC 4.0 and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle() for the usage.



wav2vec 2.0 model with “Base” configuration.

Pre-trained on 10k hours of unlabeled audio from VoxPopuli dataset [9] (“10k” subset, consisting of 23 languages).

Fine-tuned for ASR on 543 hours of transcribed audio from “en” subset. Originally published by the authors of VoxPopuli [9] under CC BY-NC 4.0 and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle() for the usage.



wav2vec 2.0 model with “Base” configuration.

Pre-trained on 10k hours of unlabeled audio from VoxPopuli dataset [9] (“10k” subset, consisting of 23 languages). Fine-tuned for ASR on 166 hours of transcribed audio from “es” subset.

Originally published by the authors of VoxPopuli [9] under CC BY-NC 4.0 and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle() for the usage.



wav2vec 2.0 model with “Base” configuration.

Pre-trained on 10k hours of unlabeled audio from VoxPopuli dataset [9] (“10k” subset, consisting of 23 languages). Fine-tuned for ASR on 211 hours of transcribed audio from “fr” subset.

Originally published by the authors of VoxPopuli [9] under CC BY-NC 4.0 and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle() for the usage.



wav2vec 2.0 model with “Base” configuration.

Pre-trained on 10k hours of unlabeled audio from VoxPopuli dataset [9] (“10k” subset, consisting of 23 languages). Fine-tuned for ASR on 91 hours of transcribed audio from “it” subset.

Originally published by the authors of VoxPopuli [9] under CC BY-NC 4.0 and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle() for the usage.



HuBERT model with “Large” configuration.

Pre-trained on 60,000 hours of unlabeled audio from Libri-Light dataset [3], and fine-tuned for ASR on 960 hours of transcribed audio from LibriSpeech dataset [1] (the combination of “train-clean-100”, “train-clean-360”, and “train-other-500”).

Originally published by the authors of HuBERT [8] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle() for the usage.



HuBERT model with “Extra Large” configuration.

Pre-trained on 60,000 hours of unlabeled audio from Libri-Light dataset [3], and fine-tuned for ASR on 960 hours of transcribed audio from LibriSpeech dataset [1] (the combination of “train-clean-100”, “train-clean-360”, and “train-other-500”).

Originally published by the authors of HuBERT [8] under MIT License and redistributed with the same license. [License, Source]

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Wav2Vec2ASRBundle() for the usage.

Tacotron2 Text-To-Speech


class torchaudio.pipelines.Tacotron2TTSBundle[source]

Data class that bundles associated information to use pretrained Tacotron2 and vocoder.

This class provides interfaces for instantiating the pretrained model along with the information necessary to retrieve pretrained weights and additional data to be used with the model.

Torchaudio library instantiates objects of this class, each of which represents a different pretrained model. Client code should access pretrained models via these instances.

Please see below for the usage and the available values.

Example - Character-based TTS pipeline with Tacotron2 and WaveRNN
>>> import torchaudio
>>> text = "Hello, T T S !"
>>> bundle = torchaudio.pipelines.TACOTRON2_WAVERNN_CHAR_LJSPEECH
>>> # Build processor, Tacotron2 and WaveRNN model
>>> processor = bundle.get_text_processor()
>>> tacotron2 = bundle.get_tacotron2()
100%|███████████████████████████████| 107M/107M [00:01<00:00, 87.9MB/s]
>>> vocoder = bundle.get_vocoder()
100%|███████████████████████████████| 16.7M/16.7M [00:00<00:00, 78.1MB/s]
>>> # Encode text
>>> input, lengths = processor(text)
>>> # Generate (mel-scale) spectrogram
>>> specgram, lengths, _ = tacotron2.infer(input, lengths)
>>> # Convert spectrogram to waveform
>>> waveforms, lengths = vocoder(specgram, lengths)
>>> torchaudio.save('hello-tts.wav', waveforms, vocoder.sample_rate)
Example - Phoneme-based TTS pipeline with Tacotron2 and WaveRNN
>>> # Note:
>>> #     This bundle uses pre-trained DeepPhonemizer as
>>> #     the text pre-processor.
>>> #     Please install deep-phonemizer.
>>> #     See https://github.com/as-ideas/DeepPhonemizer
>>> #     The pretrained weight is automatically downloaded.
>>> import torchaudio
>>> text = "Hello, TTS!"
>>> bundle = torchaudio.pipelines.TACOTRON2_WAVERNN_PHONE_LJSPEECH
>>> # Build processor, Tacotron2 and WaveRNN model
>>> processor = bundle.get_text_processor()
100%|███████████████████████████████| 63.6M/63.6M [00:04<00:00, 15.3MB/s]
>>> tacotron2 = bundle.get_tacotron2()
100%|███████████████████████████████| 107M/107M [00:01<00:00, 87.9MB/s]
>>> vocoder = bundle.get_vocoder()
100%|███████████████████████████████| 16.7M/16.7M [00:00<00:00, 78.1MB/s]
>>> # Encode text
>>> input, lengths = processor(text)
>>> # Generate (mel-scale) spectrogram
>>> specgram, lengths, _ = tacotron2.infer(input, lengths)
>>> # Convert spectrogram to waveform
>>> waveforms, lengths = vocoder(specgram, lengths)
>>> torchaudio.save('hello-tts.wav', waveforms, vocoder.sample_rate)
Tutorials using Tacotron2TTSBundle:
abstract get_text_processor(self, *, dl_kwargs=None)torchaudio.pipelines.Tacotron2TTSBundle.TextProcessor[source]

Create a text processor

For character-based pipeline, this processor splits the input text by character. For phoneme-based pipeline, this processor converts the input text (grapheme) to phonemes.

If a pre-trained weight file is necessary, torch.hub.download_url_to_file() is used to downloaded it.


dl_kwargs (dictionary of keyword arguments,) – Passed to torch.hub.download_url_to_file().


A callable which takes a string or a list of strings as input and returns Tensor of encoded texts and Tensor of valid lengths. The object also has tokens property, which allows to recover the tokenized form.

Return type


Example - Character-based
>>> text = [
>>>     "Hello World!",
>>>     "Text-to-speech!",
>>> ]
>>> bundle = torchaudio.pipelines.TACOTRON2_WAVERNN_CHAR_LJSPEECH
>>> processor = bundle.get_text_processor()
>>> input, lengths = processor(text)
>>> print(input)
tensor([[19, 16, 23, 23, 26, 11, 34, 26, 29, 23, 15,  2,  0,  0,  0],
        [31, 16, 35, 31,  1, 31, 26,  1, 30, 27, 16, 16, 14, 19,  2]],
>>> print(lengths)
tensor([12, 15], dtype=torch.int32)
>>> print([processor.tokens[i] for i in input[0, :lengths[0]]])
['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', '!']
>>> print([processor.tokens[i] for i in input[1, :lengths[1]]])
['t', 'e', 'x', 't', '-', 't', 'o', '-', 's', 'p', 'e', 'e', 'c', 'h', '!']
Example - Phoneme-based
>>> text = [
>>>     "Hello, T T S !",
>>>     "Text-to-speech!",
>>> ]
>>> bundle = torchaudio.pipelines.TACOTRON2_WAVERNN_PHONE_LJSPEECH
>>> processor = bundle.get_text_processor()
100%|███████████████████████████████| 63.6M/63.6M [00:04<00:00, 15.3MB/s]
>>> input, lengths = processor(text)
>>> print(input)
tensor([[54, 20, 65, 69, 11, 92, 44, 65, 38,  2,  0,  0,  0,  0],
        [81, 40, 64, 79, 81,  1, 81, 20,  1, 79, 77, 59, 37,  2]],
>>> print(lengths)
tensor([10, 14], dtype=torch.int32)
>>> print([processor.tokens[i] for i in input[0]])
['HH', 'AH', 'L', 'OW', ' ', 'W', 'ER', 'L', 'D', '!', '_', '_', '_', '_']
>>> print([processor.tokens[i] for i in input[1]])
['T', 'EH', 'K', 'S', 'T', '-', 'T', 'AH', '-', 'S', 'P', 'IY', 'CH', '!']
abstract get_tacotron2(self, *, dl_kwargs=None)torchaudio.models.Tacotron2[source]

Create a Tacotron2 model with pre-trained weight.


dl_kwargs (dictionary of keyword arguments) – Passed to torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url().


The resulting model.

Return type


abstract get_vocoder(self, *, dl_kwargs=None)torchaudio.pipelines.Tacotron2TTSBundle.Vocoder[source]

Create a vocoder module, based off of either WaveRNN or GriffinLim.

If a pre-trained weight file is necessary, torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url() is used to downloaded it.


dl_kwargs (dictionary of keyword arguments) – Passed to torch.hub.load_state_dict_from_url().


A vocoder module, which takes spectrogram Tensor and an optional length Tensor, then returns resulting waveform Tensor and an optional length Tensor.

Return type

Callable[[Tensor, Optional[Tensor]], Tuple[Tensor, Optional[Tensor]]]

Tacotron2TTSBundle - TextProcessor

class Tacotron2TTSBundle.TextProcessor[source]

Interface of the text processing part of Tacotron2TTS pipeline

See torchaudio.pipelines.Tacotron2TTSBundle.get_text_processor() for the usage.

abstract property tokens

The tokens that the each value in the processed tensor represent.

See torchaudio.pipelines.Tacotron2TTSBundle.get_text_processor() for the usage.



abstract __call__(texts: Union[str, List[str]])Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]

Encode the given (batch of) texts into numerical tensors

See torchaudio.pipelines.Tacotron2TTSBundle.get_text_processor() for the usage.


text (str or list of str) – The input texts.



The encoded texts. Shape: (batch, max length)


The valid length of each sample in the batch. Shape: (batch, ).

Return type

(Tensor, Tensor)

Tacotron2TTSBundle - Vocoder

class Tacotron2TTSBundle.Vocoder[source]

Interface of the vocoder part of Tacotron2TTS pipeline

See torchaudio.pipelines.Tacotron2TTSBundle.get_vocoder() for the usage.

abstract property sample_rate

The sample rate of the resulting waveform

See torchaudio.pipelines.Tacotron2TTSBundle.get_vocoder() for the usage.



abstract __call__(specgrams: torch.Tensor, lengths: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None)Tuple[torch.Tensor, Optional[torch.Tensor]]

Generate waveform from the given input, such as spectrogram

See torchaudio.pipelines.Tacotron2TTSBundle.get_vocoder() for the usage.

  • specgrams (Tensor) – The input spectrogram. Shape: (batch, frequency bins, time). The expected shape depends on the implementation.

  • lengths (Tensor, or None, optional) – The valid length of each sample in the batch. Shape: (batch, ). (Default: None)



The generated waveform. Shape: (batch, max length)

Tensor or None:

The valid length of each sample in the batch. Shape: (batch, ).

Return type

(Tensor, Optional[Tensor])



Phoneme-based TTS pipeline with torchaudio.models.Tacotron2 and torchaudio.models.WaveRNN.

The text processor encodes the input texts based on phoneme. It uses DeepPhonemizer to convert graphemes to phonemes. The model (en_us_cmudict_forward) was trained on CMUDict.

Tacotron2 was trained on LJSpeech [10] for 1,500 epochs. You can find the training script here. The following parameters were used; win_length=1100, hop_length=275, n_fft=2048, mel_fmin=40, and mel_fmax=11025.

The vocder is based on torchaudio.models.WaveRNN. It was trained on 8 bits depth waveform of LJSpeech [10] for 10,000 epochs. You can find the training script here.

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Tacotron2TTSBundle() for the usage.

Example - “Hello world! T T S stands for Text to Speech!”

Spectrogram generated by Tacotron2

Example - “The examination and testimony of the experts enabled the Commission to conclude that five shots may have been fired,”

Spectrogram generated by Tacotron2



Character-based TTS pipeline with torchaudio.models.Tacotron2 and torchaudio.models.WaveRNN.

The text processor encodes the input texts character-by-character.

Tacotron2 was trained on LJSpeech [10] for 1,500 epochs. You can find the training script here. The following parameters were used; win_length=1100, hop_length=275, n_fft=2048, mel_fmin=40, and mel_fmax=11025.

The vocder is based on torchaudio.models.WaveRNN. It was trained on 8 bits depth waveform of LJSpeech [10] for 10,000 epochs. You can find the training script here.

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Tacotron2TTSBundle() for the usage.

Example - “Hello world! T T S stands for Text to Speech!”

Spectrogram generated by Tacotron2

Example - “The examination and testimony of the experts enabled the Commission to conclude that five shots may have been fired,”

Spectrogram generated by Tacotron2



Phoneme-based TTS pipeline with torchaudio.models.Tacotron2 and torchaudio.transforms.GriffinLim.

The text processor encodes the input texts based on phoneme. It uses DeepPhonemizer to convert graphemes to phonemes. The model (en_us_cmudict_forward) was trained on CMUDict.

Tacotron2 was trained on LJSpeech [10] for 1,500 epochs. You can find the training script here. The text processor is set to the “english_phonemes”.

The vocoder is based on torchaudio.transforms.GriffinLim.

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Tacotron2TTSBundle() for the usage.

Example - “Hello world! T T S stands for Text to Speech!”

Spectrogram generated by Tacotron2

Example - “The examination and testimony of the experts enabled the Commission to conclude that five shots may have been fired,”

Spectrogram generated by Tacotron2



Character-based TTS pipeline with torchaudio.models.Tacotron2 and torchaudio.transforms.GriffinLim.

The text processor encodes the input texts character-by-character.

Tacotron2 was trained on LJSpeech [10] for 1,500 epochs. You can find the training script here. The default parameters were used.

The vocoder is based on torchaudio.transforms.GriffinLim.

Please refer to torchaudio.pipelines.Tacotron2TTSBundle() for the usage.

Example - “Hello world! T T S stands for Text to Speech!”

Spectrogram generated by Tacotron2

Example - “The examination and testimony of the experts enabled the Commission to conclude that five shots may have been fired,”

Spectrogram generated by Tacotron2



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