
Running an ExecuTorch Model Using the Module Extension in C++

Author: Anthony Shoumikhin

In the Running an ExecuTorch Model in C++ Tutorial, we explored the lower-level ExecuTorch APIs for running an exported model. While these APIs offer zero overhead, great flexibility, and control, they can be verbose and complex for regular use. To simplify this and resemble PyTorch’s eager mode in Python, we introduce the Module facade APIs over the regular ExecuTorch runtime APIs. The Module APIs provide the same flexibility but default to commonly used components like DataLoader and MemoryAllocator, hiding most intricate details.


Let’s see how we can run the SimpleConv model generated from the Exporting to ExecuTorch tutorial using the Module APIs:

#include <executorch/extension/module/module.h>

using namespace ::torch::executor;

// Create a Module.
Module module("/path/to/model.pte");

// Wrap the input data with a Tensor.
float input[1 * 3 * 256 * 256];
Tensor::SizesType sizes[] = {1, 3, 256, 256};
TensorImpl tensor(ScalarType::Float, std::size(sizes), sizes, input);

// Perform an inference.
const auto result = module.forward({EValue(Tensor(&tensor))});

// Check for success or failure.
if (result.ok()) {
  // Retrieve the output data.
  const auto output = result->at(0).toTensor().const_data_ptr<float>();

The code now boils down to creating a Module and calling forward() on it, with no additional setup. Let’s take a closer look at these and other Module APIs to better understand the internal workings.


Creating a Module

Creating a Module object is an extremely fast operation that does not involve significant processing time or memory allocation. The actual loading of a Program and a Method happens lazily on the first inference unless explicitly requested with a dedicated API.

Module module("/path/to/model.pte");

Force-Loading a Method

To force-load the Module (and thus the underlying ExecuTorch Program) at any time, use the load() function:

const auto error = module.load();


To force-load a particular Method, call the load_method() function:

const auto error = module.load_method("forward");


Note: the Program is loaded automatically before any Method is loaded. Subsequent attemps to load them have no effect if one of the previous attemps was successful.

Querying for Metadata

Get a set of method names that a Module contains udsing the method_names() function:

const auto method_names = module.method_names();

if (method_names.ok()) {

Note: method_names() will try to force-load the Program when called the first time.

Introspect miscellaneous metadata about a particular method via MethodMeta struct returned by method_meta() function:

const auto method_meta = module.method_meta("forward");

if (method_meta.ok()) {
  assert(method_meta->name() == "forward");
  assert(method_meta->num_inputs() > 1);

  const auto input_meta = method_meta->input_tensor_meta(0);

  if (input_meta.ok()) {
    assert(input_meta->scalar_type() == ScalarType::Float);
  const auto output_meta = meta->output_tensor_meta(0);

  if (output_meta.ok()) {
    assert(output_meta->sizes().size() == 1);

Note: method_meta() will try to force-load the Method when called for the first time.

Perform an Inference

Assuming that the Program’s method names and their input format is known ahead of time, we rarely need to query for those and can run the methods directly by name using the execute() function:

const auto result = module.execute("forward", {EValue(Tensor(&tensor))});

Which can also be simplified for the standard forward() method name as:

const auto result = module.forward({EValue(Tensor(&tensor))});

Note: execute() or forward() will try to force load the Program and the Method when called for the first time. Therefore, the first inference will take more time than subsequent ones as it loads the model lazily and prepares it for execution unless the Program or Method was loaded explicitly earlier using the corresponding functions.

Result and Error Types

Most of the ExecuTorch APIs, including those described above, return either Result or Error types. Let’s understand what those are:

  • Error is a C++ enum containing a collection of valid error codes, where the default is Error::Ok, denoting success.

  • Result can hold either an Error if the operation has failed or a payload, i.e., the actual result of the operation like an EValue wrapping a Tensor or any other standard C++ data type if the operation succeeded. To check if Result has a valid value, call the ok() function. To get the Error use the error() function, and to get the actual data, use the overloaded get() function or dereferencing pointer operators like * and ->.

Profile the Module

Use ExecuTorch Dump to trace model execution. Create an instance of the ETDumpGen class and pass it to the Module constructor. After executing a method, save the ETDump to a file for further analysis. You can capture multiple executions in a single trace if desired.

#include <fstream>
#include <memory>
#include <executorch/extension/module/module.h>
#include <executorch/sdk/etdump/etdump_flatcc.h>

using namespace ::torch::executor;

Module module("/path/to/model.pte", Module::MlockConfig::UseMlock, std::make_unique<ETDumpGen>());

// Execute a method, e.g. module.forward(...); or module.execute("my_method", ...);

if (auto* etdump = dynamic_cast<ETDumpGen*>(module.event_tracer())) {
  const auto trace = etdump->get_etdump_data();

  if (trace.buf && trace.size > 0) {
    std::unique_ptr<void, decltype(&free)> guard(trace.buf, free);
    std::ofstream file("/path/to/trace.etdump", std::ios::binary);

    if (file) {
      file.write(static_cast<const char*>(trace.buf), trace.size);


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