
Export to ExecuTorch API Reference

executorch.exir.to_edge(programs, constant_methods=None, compile_config=None)[source]

to_edge() constructs an EdgeProgramManager from a set of exported programs in ATen dialect. Upon construction those programs are transformed into edge dialect.

  • programs – Can be a single ExportedProgram or a dictionary mapping function names to their corresponding ExportedPrograms. If only a single ExportedProgram is provided it will be assigned the name “forward”.

  • constant_methods – An optional dictionary of method name to the constant value returned by that method in eager mode. Often used to store config information on Edge models.

  • compile_config – An optional argument used to provide greater control over the transformation to edge dialect process.



class executorch.exir.EdgeProgramManager(edge_programs, constant_methods=None, compile_config=None)[source]

Package of one or more ExportedPrograms in Edge dialect. Designed to simplify lowering to ExecuTorch. See: https://pytorch.org/executorch/stable/ir-exir.html

Allows easy applications of transforms across a collection of exported programs including the delegation of subgraphs.

Manages the second link in the lowering chain of ATen -> Edge -> ExecuTorch.

property config_methods

Returns the set of config methods in this EdgeProgramManager.


Returns the ExportedProgram specified by ‘method_name’.

property methods

Returns the set of methods in this EdgeProgramManager.


Returns a semantically-equivalent program to the one given as input, but with portions of each program in the EdgeProgramManager targeted for delegation as determined by the partitioner.



The partitioner can either be a Partitioner subclass instance, or a dictionary mapping method names to Partitioner subclass instance. If it is a Partitioner subclass, all programs in the given EdgeProgramManager will be lowered using the given partitioner. If it is a dictionary, only method names specified in the dictionary will be lowered with the given partitioner.

The Partitioner subclass instance is in charge with tagging portions of the input program for delegation. A valid partitioner must return PartitionerResult including valid partition_tags: Dict[str, DelegationSpec], where each key is a tag name and the nodes with same tag will be fused a one subgraph and delegated to backend specififed in delegation spec.


A copy of the calling EdgeProgramManager with the specified subgraphs lowered.

Return type



Transforms the program to the ExecuTorch backend.


config – An optional argument used to provide greater control over the transformation to the ExecuTorch backend.


A manager representing the state of the EdgeProgramManager after it has been transformed to the ExecuTorch backend.

Return type


transform(passes, check_ir_validity=True)[source]

Transforms the program according to the provided passes.


passes – The passes can either be a list of passes, or a dictionary mapping method names to lists of passes. If it is just a list of passes, all methods in the given EdgeProgramManager will be transformed with the provided passes. If it is a dictionary, only method names specified in the dictionary will be transformed with their corresponding passes.


A copy of the calling EdgeProgramManager with the transformations applied.

Return type


class executorch.exir.ExecutorchProgramManager(execution_programs, config_methods=None, backend_config=None)[source]

Package of one or more ExportedPrograms in Execution dialect. Designed to simplify lowering to ExecuTorch. See: https://pytorch.org/executorch/stable/ir-exir.html

When the ExecutorchProgramManager is constructed the ExportedPrograms in execution dialect are used to form the executorch binary (in a process called emission) and then serialized to a buffer.

Manages the final link in the lowering chain of ATen -> Edge -> ExecuTorch.

property buffer

Returns the serialized ExecuTorch binary as a byte string.

Note that the call to buffer may allocate a very large amount of contiguous memory, depending on the model size. If writing to a file, use write_to_file which won’t incur additional copies.

property config_methods

Returns the set of config methods in this ExecutorchProgramManager.


Prints the ExecuTorch binary in a human readable format.


verbose (bool) – If False prints the binary in a condensed format. If True prints the binary 1-1 with the specification in the schema.


Returns the ExportedProgram specified by ‘method_name’.

property methods

Returns the set of methods in this ExecutorchProgramManager.

executorch.exir.backend.backend_api.to_backend(backend_id, edge_program, compile_specs)
executorch.exir.backend.backend_api.to_backend(edge_program, partitioner_instance)

A generic function the dispatch happens on the type of the first argument. There are currently to overloaded to_backend function:

Note: Python is dynamically-typed language and therefore cannot have proper method overloading as that requires the language to be able to discriminate between types at compile-time. @to_backend.register will attach the function to to_backend() base on the type of the first argument (type annotation is required). However, it can’t take multiple types as arguments.

def to_backend(
    backend_id: str,
    edge_graph_module: ExportedProgram,
    compile_specs: List[CompileSpec],
) -> LoweredBackendModule:

def to_backend(
    graph_module: torch.fx.GraphModule,
    partitioner: Type[TPartitioner],
) -> torch.fx.GraphModule
class executorch.exir.backend.backend_api.LoweredBackendModule(edge_program, backend_id, processed_bytes, compile_specs)[source]

A subclass of nn.Module that is generated for modules containing delegated functions. This is can be created by calling to_backend.

property backend_id

Returns the backends name.

buffer(extract_delegate_segments=False, segment_alignment=4096, constant_tensor_alignment=None, delegate_alignment=None)[source]

Returns a buffer containing the serialized ExecuTorch binary.

property compile_specs

Returns a list of backend-specific objects with static metadata to configure the “compilation” process.

property original_module

Returns the original EXIR module

property processed_bytes

Returns the delegate blob created from backend.preprocess


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