

The useful processing operations of kaldi can be performed with torchaudio. Various functions with identical parameters are given so that torchaudio can produce similar outputs.



torchaudio.compliance.kaldi.spectrogram(waveform: torch.Tensor, blackman_coeff: float = 0.42, channel: int = - 1, dither: float = 0.0, energy_floor: float = 1.0, frame_length: float = 25.0, frame_shift: float = 10.0, min_duration: float = 0.0, preemphasis_coefficient: float = 0.97, raw_energy: bool = True, remove_dc_offset: bool = True, round_to_power_of_two: bool = True, sample_frequency: float = 16000.0, snip_edges: bool = True, subtract_mean: bool = False, window_type: str = 'povey')torch.Tensor[source]

Create a spectrogram from a raw audio signal. This matches the input/output of Kaldi’s compute-spectrogram-feats.

  • waveform (Tensor) – Tensor of audio of size (c, n) where c is in the range [0,2)

  • blackman_coeff (float, optional) – Constant coefficient for generalized Blackman window. (Default: 0.42)

  • channel (int, optional) – Channel to extract (-1 -> expect mono, 0 -> left, 1 -> right) (Default: -1)

  • dither (float, optional) – Dithering constant (0.0 means no dither). If you turn this off, you should set the energy_floor option, e.g. to 1.0 or 0.1 (Default: 0.0)

  • energy_floor (float, optional) – Floor on energy (absolute, not relative) in Spectrogram computation. Caution: this floor is applied to the zeroth component, representing the total signal energy. The floor on the individual spectrogram elements is fixed at std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon(). (Default: 1.0)

  • frame_length (float, optional) – Frame length in milliseconds (Default: 25.0)

  • frame_shift (float, optional) – Frame shift in milliseconds (Default: 10.0)

  • min_duration (float, optional) – Minimum duration of segments to process (in seconds). (Default: 0.0)

  • preemphasis_coefficient (float, optional) – Coefficient for use in signal preemphasis (Default: 0.97)

  • raw_energy (bool, optional) – If True, compute energy before preemphasis and windowing (Default: True)

  • remove_dc_offset (bool, optional) – Subtract mean from waveform on each frame (Default: True)

  • round_to_power_of_two (bool, optional) – If True, round window size to power of two by zero-padding input to FFT. (Default: True)

  • sample_frequency (float, optional) – Waveform data sample frequency (must match the waveform file, if specified there) (Default: 16000.0)

  • snip_edges (bool, optional) – If True, end effects will be handled by outputting only frames that completely fit in the file, and the number of frames depends on the frame_length. If False, the number of frames depends only on the frame_shift, and we reflect the data at the ends. (Default: True)

  • subtract_mean (bool, optional) – Subtract mean of each feature file [CMS]; not recommended to do it this way. (Default: False)

  • window_type (str, optional) – Type of window (‘hamming’|’hanning’|’povey’|’rectangular’|’blackman’) (Default: 'povey')


A spectrogram identical to what Kaldi would output. The shape is (m, padded_window_size // 2 + 1) where m is calculated in _get_strided

Return type



torchaudio.compliance.kaldi.fbank(waveform: torch.Tensor, blackman_coeff: float = 0.42, channel: int = - 1, dither: float = 0.0, energy_floor: float = 1.0, frame_length: float = 25.0, frame_shift: float = 10.0, high_freq: float = 0.0, htk_compat: bool = False, low_freq: float = 20.0, min_duration: float = 0.0, num_mel_bins: int = 23, preemphasis_coefficient: float = 0.97, raw_energy: bool = True, remove_dc_offset: bool = True, round_to_power_of_two: bool = True, sample_frequency: float = 16000.0, snip_edges: bool = True, subtract_mean: bool = False, use_energy: bool = False, use_log_fbank: bool = True, use_power: bool = True, vtln_high: float = - 500.0, vtln_low: float = 100.0, vtln_warp: float = 1.0, window_type: str = 'povey')torch.Tensor[source]

Create a fbank from a raw audio signal. This matches the input/output of Kaldi’s compute-fbank-feats.

  • waveform (Tensor) – Tensor of audio of size (c, n) where c is in the range [0,2)

  • blackman_coeff (float, optional) – Constant coefficient for generalized Blackman window. (Default: 0.42)

  • channel (int, optional) – Channel to extract (-1 -> expect mono, 0 -> left, 1 -> right) (Default: -1)

  • dither (float, optional) – Dithering constant (0.0 means no dither). If you turn this off, you should set the energy_floor option, e.g. to 1.0 or 0.1 (Default: 0.0)

  • energy_floor (float, optional) – Floor on energy (absolute, not relative) in Spectrogram computation. Caution: this floor is applied to the zeroth component, representing the total signal energy. The floor on the individual spectrogram elements is fixed at std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon(). (Default: 1.0)

  • frame_length (float, optional) – Frame length in milliseconds (Default: 25.0)

  • frame_shift (float, optional) – Frame shift in milliseconds (Default: 10.0)

  • high_freq (float, optional) – High cutoff frequency for mel bins (if <= 0, offset from Nyquist) (Default: 0.0)

  • htk_compat (bool, optional) – If true, put energy last. Warning: not sufficient to get HTK compatible features (need to change other parameters). (Default: False)

  • low_freq (float, optional) – Low cutoff frequency for mel bins (Default: 20.0)

  • min_duration (float, optional) – Minimum duration of segments to process (in seconds). (Default: 0.0)

  • num_mel_bins (int, optional) – Number of triangular mel-frequency bins (Default: 23)

  • preemphasis_coefficient (float, optional) – Coefficient for use in signal preemphasis (Default: 0.97)

  • raw_energy (bool, optional) – If True, compute energy before preemphasis and windowing (Default: True)

  • remove_dc_offset (bool, optional) – Subtract mean from waveform on each frame (Default: True)

  • round_to_power_of_two (bool, optional) – If True, round window size to power of two by zero-padding input to FFT. (Default: True)

  • sample_frequency (float, optional) – Waveform data sample frequency (must match the waveform file, if specified there) (Default: 16000.0)

  • snip_edges (bool, optional) – If True, end effects will be handled by outputting only frames that completely fit in the file, and the number of frames depends on the frame_length. If False, the number of frames depends only on the frame_shift, and we reflect the data at the ends. (Default: True)

  • subtract_mean (bool, optional) – Subtract mean of each feature file [CMS]; not recommended to do it this way. (Default: False)

  • use_energy (bool, optional) – Add an extra dimension with energy to the FBANK output. (Default: False)

  • use_log_fbank (bool, optional) – If true, produce log-filterbank, else produce linear. (Default: True)

  • use_power (bool, optional) – If true, use power, else use magnitude. (Default: True)

  • vtln_high (float, optional) – High inflection point in piecewise linear VTLN warping function (if negative, offset from high-mel-freq (Default: -500.0)

  • vtln_low (float, optional) – Low inflection point in piecewise linear VTLN warping function (Default: 100.0)

  • vtln_warp (float, optional) – Vtln warp factor (only applicable if vtln_map not specified) (Default: 1.0)

  • window_type (str, optional) – Type of window (‘hamming’|’hanning’|’povey’|’rectangular’|’blackman’) (Default: 'povey')


A fbank identical to what Kaldi would output. The shape is (m, num_mel_bins + use_energy) where m is calculated in _get_strided

Return type



torchaudio.compliance.kaldi.mfcc(waveform: torch.Tensor, blackman_coeff: float = 0.42, cepstral_lifter: float = 22.0, channel: int = - 1, dither: float = 0.0, energy_floor: float = 1.0, frame_length: float = 25.0, frame_shift: float = 10.0, high_freq: float = 0.0, htk_compat: bool = False, low_freq: float = 20.0, num_ceps: int = 13, min_duration: float = 0.0, num_mel_bins: int = 23, preemphasis_coefficient: float = 0.97, raw_energy: bool = True, remove_dc_offset: bool = True, round_to_power_of_two: bool = True, sample_frequency: float = 16000.0, snip_edges: bool = True, subtract_mean: bool = False, use_energy: bool = False, vtln_high: float = - 500.0, vtln_low: float = 100.0, vtln_warp: float = 1.0, window_type: str = 'povey')torch.Tensor[source]

Create a mfcc from a raw audio signal. This matches the input/output of Kaldi’s compute-mfcc-feats.

  • waveform (Tensor) – Tensor of audio of size (c, n) where c is in the range [0,2)

  • blackman_coeff (float, optional) – Constant coefficient for generalized Blackman window. (Default: 0.42)

  • cepstral_lifter (float, optional) – Constant that controls scaling of MFCCs (Default: 22.0)

  • channel (int, optional) – Channel to extract (-1 -> expect mono, 0 -> left, 1 -> right) (Default: -1)

  • dither (float, optional) – Dithering constant (0.0 means no dither). If you turn this off, you should set the energy_floor option, e.g. to 1.0 or 0.1 (Default: 0.0)

  • energy_floor (float, optional) – Floor on energy (absolute, not relative) in Spectrogram computation. Caution: this floor is applied to the zeroth component, representing the total signal energy. The floor on the individual spectrogram elements is fixed at std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon(). (Default: 1.0)

  • frame_length (float, optional) – Frame length in milliseconds (Default: 25.0)

  • frame_shift (float, optional) – Frame shift in milliseconds (Default: 10.0)

  • high_freq (float, optional) – High cutoff frequency for mel bins (if <= 0, offset from Nyquist) (Default: 0.0)

  • htk_compat (bool, optional) – If true, put energy last. Warning: not sufficient to get HTK compatible features (need to change other parameters). (Default: False)

  • low_freq (float, optional) – Low cutoff frequency for mel bins (Default: 20.0)

  • num_ceps (int, optional) – Number of cepstra in MFCC computation (including C0) (Default: 13)

  • min_duration (float, optional) – Minimum duration of segments to process (in seconds). (Default: 0.0)

  • num_mel_bins (int, optional) – Number of triangular mel-frequency bins (Default: 23)

  • preemphasis_coefficient (float, optional) – Coefficient for use in signal preemphasis (Default: 0.97)

  • raw_energy (bool, optional) – If True, compute energy before preemphasis and windowing (Default: True)

  • remove_dc_offset (bool, optional) – Subtract mean from waveform on each frame (Default: True)

  • round_to_power_of_two (bool, optional) – If True, round window size to power of two by zero-padding input to FFT. (Default: True)

  • sample_frequency (float, optional) – Waveform data sample frequency (must match the waveform file, if specified there) (Default: 16000.0)

  • snip_edges (bool, optional) – If True, end effects will be handled by outputting only frames that completely fit in the file, and the number of frames depends on the frame_length. If False, the number of frames depends only on the frame_shift, and we reflect the data at the ends. (Default: True)

  • subtract_mean (bool, optional) – Subtract mean of each feature file [CMS]; not recommended to do it this way. (Default: False)

  • use_energy (bool, optional) – Add an extra dimension with energy to the FBANK output. (Default: False)

  • vtln_high (float, optional) – High inflection point in piecewise linear VTLN warping function (if negative, offset from high-mel-freq (Default: -500.0)

  • vtln_low (float, optional) – Low inflection point in piecewise linear VTLN warping function (Default: 100.0)

  • vtln_warp (float, optional) – Vtln warp factor (only applicable if vtln_map not specified) (Default: 1.0)

  • window_type (str, optional) – Type of window (‘hamming’|’hanning’|’povey’|’rectangular’|’blackman’) (Default: "povey")


A mfcc identical to what Kaldi would output. The shape is (m, num_ceps) where m is calculated in _get_strided

Return type



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