捆绑程序 – ExecuTorch 模型验证工具¶
BundledProgram 是核心 ExecuTorch 程序的包装器,旨在帮助用户使用他们部署的模型包装测试用例。BundledProgram 不一定是程序的核心部分,也不是其执行所必需的,但对于各种其他用例(例如模型正确性评估,包括模型启动过程中的 e2e 测试)尤为重要。
Emit 阶段:将测试 I/O 案例与 ExecuTorch 程序捆绑在一起,序列化到 flatbuffer 中。
Emit 阶段¶
此阶段主要侧重于创建 a 并将其作为 flatbuffer 文件转储到磁盘上。主要步骤如下:BundledProgram
创建一个模型并发出其 ExecuTorch 程序。
使用发出的模型 和 生成。
序列化 并将其转储到磁盘。
步骤 1:创建一个模型并发出其 ExecuTorch 程序。¶
ExecuTorch 程序可以通过 ExecuTorch API 从用户的模型发出。按照生成示例 ExecuTorch 程序或导出到 ExecuTorch 教程进行操作。
第 2 步:构造BundledConfig
是一个类,其中包含要捆绑用于模型验证的所有信息。这是要创建的构造函数 API :executorch/bundled_program/config.py
- bundled_program.config.BundledConfig 中。__init__(self, method_names, inputs, expected_outputs)
- 参数
method_names – 所有方法名称都需要在 program 中验证。
输入 –
需要针对所有方法测试所有输入集。每个列表 of inputs 是所有集合,这些集合将在 program 替换为相应的方法名称。任何 inputs 元素的每组都应该 包含具有相同推理函数的 eager_model 所需的所有输入 作为一次性执行的相应执行计划。
值得一提的是,虽然捆绑的程序和 ET 运行时 api 都支持设置输入 除了 torch.tensor 类型之外,只有 torch.tensor 类型的输入才会在 方法和其他输入将只进行健全性检查,如果它们与 method 中的默认值匹配。
expected_outputs – 共享相同索引的输入的预期输出。的大小 expected_outputs 应与 inputs 的大小相同,并提供method_names。
- 返回
第 3 步:生成BundledProgram
我们通过将发出的 ExecuTorch 程序与 bundled_config 捆绑在一起来生成 API 下提供 API:create_bundled_program
- bundled_program.core.create_bundled_program(program, bundled_config)[source]
通过将给定的程序和bundled_config捆绑在一起来创建 BundledProgram。
- 参数
program (程序) – 要捆绑的程序。
bundled_config – 要捆绑的配置。
返回: BundledProgram 变量包含给定的 ExecuTorch 程序和测试用例。
将在内部进行 sannity 检查,以查看给定的 BundledConfig 是否符合给定的 Program 的要求。具体说来:
我们为其创建 BundledConfig 的方法的名称也应该在 program 中。请注意,无需为 Program 中的每个方法设置测试用例。
第 4 步:序列化为 Flatbuffer。BundledProgram
为了序列化以使运行时 API 使用它,我们提供了两个 API,它们都位于 .BundledProgram
- bundled_program.serialize 中。serialize_from_bundled_program_to_flatbuffer(bundled_program)[来源]
将 BundledProgram 序列化为 FlatBuffer 二进制格式。
- 参数
bundled_program (BundledProgram) – 要序列化的 BundledProgram 变量。
- 返回
序列化的 FlatBuffer 二进制数据(以字节为单位)。
这是一个流程,重点介绍了如何生成给定的 PyTorch 模型以及我们要测试该模型的代表性输入。BundledProgram
import torch
from torch.export import export
from executorch.bundled_program.config import BundledConfig
from executorch.bundled_program.core import create_bundled_program
from executorch.bundled_program.serialize import serialize_from_bundled_program_to_flatbuffer
from executorch.exir import to_edge
# Step 1: ExecuTorch Program Export
class SampleModel(torch.nn.Module):
"""An example model with multi-methods. Each method has multiple input and single output"""
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.a: torch.Tensor = 3 * torch.ones(2, 2, dtype=torch.int32)
self.b: torch.Tensor = 2 * torch.ones(2, 2, dtype=torch.int32)
def encode(
self, x: torch.Tensor, q: torch.Tensor
) -> torch.Tensor:
z = x.clone()
torch.mul(self.a, x, out=z)
y = x.clone()
torch.add(z, self.b, out=y)
torch.add(y, q, out=y)
return y
def decode(
self, x: torch.Tensor, q: torch.Tensor
) -> torch.Tensor:
y = x * q
torch.add(y, self.b, out=y)
return y
# Inference method names of SampleModel we want to bundle testcases to.
# Notices that we do not need to bundle testcases for every inference methods.
method_names = ["encode", "decode"]
model = SampleModel()
capture_inputs = {
m_name: (
(torch.rand(2, 2) - 0.5).to(dtype=torch.int32),
(torch.rand(2, 2) - 0.5).to(dtype=torch.int32),
for m_name in method_names
# Find each method of model needs to be traced my its name, export its FX Graph.
method_graphs = {
m_name: export(getattr(model, m_name), capture_inputs[m_name])
for m_name in method_names
# Emit the traced methods into ET Program.
program = to_edge(method_graphs).to_executorch().executorch_program
# Step 2: Construct BundledConfig
# number of input sets to be verified
n_input = 10
# Input sets to be verified for each inference methods.
inputs = [
# The below list is all inputs for a single inference method.
# Each list below is a individual input set.
# The number of inputs, dtype and size of each input follow Program's spec.
(torch.rand(2, 2) - 0.5).to(dtype=torch.int32),
(torch.rand(2, 2) - 0.5).to(dtype=torch.int32),
for _ in range(n_input)
for _ in method_names
# Expected outputs align with inputs.
expected_outputs = [
[[getattr(model, m_name)(*x)] for x in inputs[i]]
for i, m_name in enumerate(method_names)
# Create BundledConfig
bundled_config = BundledConfig(
method_names, inputs, expected_outputs
# Step 3: Generate BundledProgram
bundled_program = create_bundled_program(program, bundled_config)
# Step 4: Serialize BundledProgram to flatbuffer.
serialized_bundled_program = serialize_from_bundled_program_to_flatbuffer(bundled_program)
save_path = "bundled_program.bp"
with open(save_path, "wb") as f:
如果需要,我们还可以从 flatbuffer 文件重新生成:BundledProgram
from executorch.bundled_program.serialize import deserialize_from_flatbuffer_to_bundled_program
save_path = "bundled_program.bp"
with open(save_path, "rb") as f:
serialized_bundled_program = f.read()
regenerate_bundled_program = deserialize_from_flatbuffer_to_bundled_program(serialized_bundled_program)
此阶段主要侧重于执行具有捆绑输入的模型,并将模型的输出与捆绑的预期输出进行比较。我们提供了多个 API 来处理它的关键部分。
从缓冲区获取 ExecuTorch 程序指针BundledProgram
我们需要指向 ExecuTorch 程序的指针来执行。为了统一加载和执行过程以及 Program flatbuffer,我们创建了一个 API:BundledProgram
doxygenfunction:无法解析参数为“None”的函数“torch::executor::util::GetProgramData”。 无法解析 candidate 函数。解析错误为 解析函数声明时出错。 如果函数没有返回类型: 声明符或参数和限定符中的错误 无效的 C++ 声明:在参数和限定符中需要“(”。[15 处的错误] __ET_NODISCARD 错误 GetProgramData (void *file_data, size_t file_data_len, const void **out_program_data, size_t *out_program_data_len) —————^ 如果函数具有返回类型: 声明符或参数和限定符中的错误 如果指针指向成员声明符: 无效的 C++ 声明:指向成员(函数)的指针中应有“::”。[错误在 21 处] __ET_NODISCARD 错误 GetProgramData (void *file_data, size_t file_data_len, const void **out_program_data, size_t *out_program_data_len) ———————^ 如果声明符 id: 无效的 C++ 声明:在参数和限定符中需要“(”。[错误在 21 处] __ET_NODISCARD 错误 GetProgramData (void *file_data, size_t file_data_len, const void **out_program_data, size_t *out_program_data_len) ———————^
以下是如何使用 API 的示例:GetProgramData
std::shared_ptr<char> buff_ptr;
size_t buff_len;
// FILE_PATH here can be either BundledProgram or Program flatbuffer file.
Error status = torch::executor::util::read_file_content(
FILE_PATH, &buff_ptr, &buff_len);
status == Error::Ok,
"read_file_content() failed with status 0x%" PRIx32,
const void* program_ptr;
size_t program_len;
status = torch::executor::util::GetProgramData(
buff_ptr.get(), buff_len, &program_ptr, &program_len);
status == Error::Ok,
"GetProgramData() failed with status 0x%" PRIx32,
要在捆绑的 input 上执行程序,我们需要将捆绑的 input 加载到方法中。这里我们提供了一个名为 :torch::executor::util::LoadBundledInput
doxygenfunction:无法解析参数为“None”的函数“torch::executor::util::LoadBundledInput”。 无法解析 candidate 函数。解析错误为 解析函数声明时出错。 如果函数没有返回类型: 声明符或参数和限定符中的错误 无效的 C++ 声明:在参数和限定符中需要“(”。[15 处的错误] __ET_NODISCARD错误 LoadBundledInput (方法 & 方法、serialized_bundled_program *bundled_program_ptr、MemoryAllocator *memory_allocator、const char *method_name、size_t testset_idx) —————^ 如果函数具有返回类型: 声明符或参数和限定符中的错误 如果指针指向成员声明符: 无效的 C++ 声明:指向成员(函数)的指针中应有“::”。[错误在 21 处] __ET_NODISCARD错误 LoadBundledInput (方法 & 方法、serialized_bundled_program *bundled_program_ptr、MemoryAllocator *memory_allocator、const char *method_name、size_t testset_idx) ———————^ 如果声明符 id: 无效的 C++ 声明:在参数和限定符中需要“(”。[错误在 21 处] __ET_NODISCARD错误 LoadBundledInput (方法 & 方法、serialized_bundled_program *bundled_program_ptr、MemoryAllocator *memory_allocator、const char *method_name、size_t testset_idx) ———————^
我们调用以验证方法的输出与捆绑的预期输出。以下是此 API 的详细信息:torch::executor::util::VerifyResultWithBundledExpectedOutput
doxygen函数:无法解析参数为“None”的函数“torch::executor::util::VerifyResultWithBundledExpectedOutput”。 无法解析 candidate 函数。解析错误为 解析函数声明时出错。 如果函数没有返回类型: 声明符或参数和限定符中的错误 无效的 C++ 声明:在参数和限定符中需要“(”。[15 处的错误] __ET_NODISCARD 错误 VerifyResultWithBundledExpectedOutput (方法 & 方法、serialized_bundled_program *bundled_program_ptr、MemoryAllocator *memory_allocator、const char *method_name、size_t testset_idx、双 rtol、双 atol) —————^ 如果函数具有返回类型: 声明符或参数和限定符中的错误 如果指针指向成员声明符: 无效的 C++ 声明:指向成员(函数)的指针中应有“::”。[错误在 21 处] __ET_NODISCARD 错误 VerifyResultWithBundledExpectedOutput (方法 & 方法、serialized_bundled_program *bundled_program_ptr、MemoryAllocator *memory_allocator、const char *method_name、size_t testset_idx、双 rtol、双 atol) ———————^ 如果声明符 id: 无效的 C++ 声明:在参数和限定符中需要“(”。[错误在 21 处] __ET_NODISCARD 错误 VerifyResultWithBundledExpectedOutput (方法 & 方法、serialized_bundled_program *bundled_program_ptr、MemoryAllocator *memory_allocator、const char *method_name、size_t testset_idx、双 rtol、双 atol) ———————^
这里我们提供了一个有关如何逐步运行捆绑程序的示例。大部分代码是从 executor_runner 借来的,如果您需要更多信息和上下文,请查看该文件:
// method_name is the name for the method we want to test
// memory_manager is the executor::MemoryManager variable for executor memory allocation.
// program is the ExecuTorch program.
Result<Method> method = program->load_method(method_name, &memory_manager);
"load_method() failed with status 0x%" PRIx32,
// Load testset_idx-th input in the buffer to plan
status = torch::executor::util::LoadBundledInput(
status == Error::Ok,
"LoadBundledInput failed with status 0x%" PRIx32,
// Execute the plan
status = method->execute();
status == Error::Ok,
"method->execute() failed with status 0x%" PRIx32,
// Verify the result.
status = torch::executor::util::VerifyResultWithBundledExpectedOutput(
status == Error::Ok,
"Bundle verification failed with status 0x%" PRIx32,
如果与 .以下是两种常见情况:BundledConfig
PyTorch 模型的每种推理方法对输入都有自己的要求,例如输入的数量、每个输入的 dtype 等。 如果测试输入不满足要求,将引发错误。BundledProgram
以下是测试输入的 dtype 不满足模型要求的示例:
import torch
from torch.export import export
from executorch.bundled_program.config import BundledConfig
from executorch.bundled_program.core import create_bundled_program
from executorch.exir import to_edge
class Module(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.a = 3 * torch.ones(2, 2, dtype=torch.float)
self.b = 2 * torch.ones(2, 2, dtype=torch.float)
def forward(self, x):
out_1 = torch.ones(2, 2, dtype=torch.float)
out_2 = torch.ones(2, 2, dtype=torch.float)
torch.mul(self.a, x, out=out_1)
torch.add(out_1, self.b, out=out_2)
return out_2
model = Module()
method_names = ['forward']
inputs = torch.ones(2, 2, dtype=torch.float)
# Find each method of model needs to be traced my its name, export its FX Graph.
method_graphs = {
m_name: export(getattr(model, m_name), (inputs, ))
for m_name in method_names
# Emit the traced methods into ET Program.
program = to_edge(method_graphs).to_executorch().executorch_program
# number of input sets to be verified
n_input = 10
# All Input sets to be verified.
inputs = [
# NOTE: executorch program needs torch.float, but here is torch.int
torch.randint(-5, 5, (2, 2), dtype=torch.int),
for _ in range(n_input)
# Expected outputs align with inputs.
expected_outpus = [
[[model(*x)] for x in inputs[0]]
bundled_config = BundledConfig(method_names, inputs, expected_outpus)
bundled_program = create_bundled_program(program, bundled_config)
The input tensor tensor([[ 0, 3],
[-3, -3]], dtype=torch.int32) dtype shall be torch.float32, but now is torch.int32
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
57 expected_outpus = [
58 [[model(*x)] for x in inputs[0]]
59 ]
61 bundled_config = BundledConfig(method_names, inputs, expected_outpus)
---> 63 bundled_program = create_bundled_program(program, bundled_config)
File /executorch/bundled_program/core.py:270, in create_bundled_program(program, bundled_config)
259 def create_bundled_program(
260 program: Program,
261 bundled_config: BundledConfig,
262 ) -> BundledProgram:
263 """Create BundledProgram by bundling the given program and bundled_config together.
265 Args:
266 program: The program to be bundled.
267 bundled_config: The config to be bundled.
268 """
--> 270 assert_valid_bundle(program, bundled_config)
272 execution_plan_tests: List[BundledExecutionPlanTest] = []
274 # Emit data and metadata of bundled tensor
File /executorch/bundled_program/core.py:224, in assert_valid_bundle(program, bundled_config)
220 # type of tensor input should match execution plan
221 if type(cur_plan_test_inputs[j]) == torch.Tensor:
222 # pyre-fixme[16]: Undefined attribute [16]: Item `bool` of `typing.Union[bool, float, int, torch._tensor.Tensor]`
223 # has no attribute `dtype`.
--> 224 assert cur_plan_test_inputs[j].dtype == get_input_dtype(
225 program, program_plan_id, j
226 ), "The input tensor {} dtype shall be {}, but now is {}".format(
227 cur_plan_test_inputs[j],
228 get_input_dtype(program, program_plan_id, j),
229 cur_plan_test_inputs[j].dtype,
230 )
231 elif type(cur_plan_test_inputs[j]) in (
232 int,
233 bool,
234 float,
235 ):
236 assert type(cur_plan_test_inputs[j]) == get_input_type(
237 program, program_plan_id, j
238 ), "The input primitive dtype shall be {}, but now is {}".format(
239 get_input_type(program, program_plan_id, j),
240 type(cur_plan_test_inputs[j]),
241 )
AssertionError: The input tensor tensor([[ 0, 3],
[-3, -3]], dtype=torch.int32) dtype shall be torch.float32, but now is torch.int32
中的方法名称 不存在。BundleConfig
另一个常见错误是 Model 中不存在的方法名称。 将引发错误并显示不存在的方法名称:BundledConfig
import torch
from torch.export import export
from executorch.bundled_program.config import BundledConfig
from executorch.bundled_program.core import create_bundled_program
from executorch.exir import to_edge
class Module(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
self.a = 3 * torch.ones(2, 2, dtype=torch.float)
self.b = 2 * torch.ones(2, 2, dtype=torch.float)
def forward(self, x):
out_1 = torch.ones(2, 2, dtype=torch.float)
out_2 = torch.ones(2, 2, dtype=torch.float)
torch.mul(self.a, x, out=out_1)
torch.add(out_1, self.b, out=out_2)
return out_2
model = Module()
method_names = ['forward']
inputs = torch.ones(2, 2, dtype=torch.float)
# Find each method of model needs to be traced my its name, export its FX Graph.
method_graphs = {
m_name: export(getattr(model, m_name), (inputs, ))
for m_name in method_names
# Emit the traced methods into ET Program.
program = to_edge(method_graphs).to_executorch().executorch_program
# Number of input sets to be verified
n_input = 10
# All Input sets to be verified.
inputs = [
torch.randint(-5, 5, (2, 2), dtype=torch.float),
for _ in range(n_input)
# Expected outputs align with inputs.
expected_outpus = [
[[model(*x)] for x in inputs[0]]
# NOTE: MISSING_METHOD_NAME is not an inference method in the above model.
wrong_method_names = ['MISSING_METHOD_NAME']
bundled_config = BundledConfig(wrong_method_names, inputs, expected_outpus)
bundled_program = create_bundled_program(program, bundled_config)
All method names in bundled config should be found in program.execution_plan, but {'wrong_forward'} does not include.
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last)
58 expected_outpus = [
59 [[model(*x)] for x in inputs[0]]
60 ]
62 bundled_config = BundledConfig(method_names, inputs, expected_outpus)
---> 64 bundled_program = create_bundled_program(program, bundled_config)
File /executorch/bundled_program/core.py:270, in create_bundled_program(program, bundled_config)
259 def create_bundled_program(
260 program: Program,
261 bundled_config: BundledConfig,
262 ) -> BundledProgram:
263 """Create BundledProgram by bundling the given program and bundled_config together.
265 Args:
266 program: The program to be bundled.
267 bundled_config: The config to be bundled.
268 """
--> 270 assert_valid_bundle(program, bundled_config)
272 execution_plan_tests: List[BundledExecutionPlanTest] = []
274 # Emit data and metadata of bundled tensor
File /executorch/bundled_program/core.py:147, in assert_valid_bundle(program, bundled_config)
142 method_name_of_program = {e.name for e in program.execution_plan}
143 method_name_of_bundled_config = {
144 t.method_name for t in bundled_config.execution_plan_tests
145 }
--> 147 assert method_name_of_bundled_config.issubset(
148 method_name_of_program
149 ), f"All method names in bundled config should be found in program.execution_plan, \
150 but {str(method_name_of_bundled_config - method_name_of_program)} does not include."
152 # check if has been sorted in ascending alphabetical order of method name.
153 for bp_plan_id in range(1, len(bundled_config.execution_plan_tests)):
AssertionError: All method names in bundled config should be found in program.execution_plan, but {'MISSING_METHOD_NAME'} does not include.