
Apple Silicon Support

What is supported

Experimental Support

  • For GPU jobs on Apple Silicon, MPS is now auto detected and enabled. To prevent TorchServe from using MPS, users have to set deviceType: "cpu" in model-config.yaml.

    • This is an experimental feature and NOT ALL models are guaranteed to work.

  • Number of GPUs now reports GPUs on Apple Silicon


  • Pytests that checks for MPS on MacOS M1 devices

  • Models that have been tested and work: Resnet-18, Densenet161, Alexnet

  • Models that have been tested and DO NOT work: MNIST

Example Resnet-18 Using MPS On Mac M1 Pro

serve % torchserve --start --model-store model_store_gen --models resnet-18=resnet-18.mar --ncs

Torchserve version: 0.10.0
Number of GPUs: 16
Number of CPUs: 10
Max heap size: 8192 M
Python executable: /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/bin/python3.11
Config file: N/A
Inference address:
Management address:
Metrics address:
Model Store:
Initial Models: resnet-18=resnet-18.mar
Log dir:
Metrics dir:
Netty threads: 0
Netty client threads: 0
Default workers per model: 16
Blacklist Regex: N/A
Maximum Response Size: 6553500
Maximum Request Size: 6553500
Limit Maximum Image Pixels: true
Prefer direct buffer: false
Allowed Urls: [file://.*|http(s)?://.*]
Custom python dependency for model allowed: false
Enable metrics API: true
Metrics mode: LOG
Disable system metrics: false
Workflow Store:
CPP log config: N/A
Model config: N/A
024-04-08T14:18:02,380 [INFO ] main org.pytorch.serve.servingsdk.impl.PluginsManager -  Loading snapshot serializer plugin...
2024-04-08T14:18:02,391 [INFO ] main org.pytorch.serve.ModelServer - Loading initial models: resnet-18.mar
2024-04-08T14:18:02,699 [DEBUG] main org.pytorch.serve.wlm.ModelVersionedRefs - Adding new version 1.0 for model resnet-18
2024-04-08T14:18:02,699 [INFO ] main org.pytorch.serve.wlm.ModelManager - Model resnet-18 loaded.
2024-04-08T14:18:02,699 [DEBUG] main org.pytorch.serve.wlm.ModelManager - updateModel: resnet-18, count: 16
serve % curl -T ./examples/image_classifier/kitten.jpg
  "tabby": 0.40966302156448364,
  "tiger_cat": 0.3467046618461609,
  "Egyptian_cat": 0.1300288736820221,
  "lynx": 0.02391958422958851,
  "bucket": 0.011532187461853027

Conda Example

(myenv) serve % pip list | grep torch
torch                     2.2.1
torchaudio                2.2.1
torchdata                 0.7.1
torchtext                 0.17.1
torchvision               0.17.1
(myenv3) serve % conda install -c pytorch-nightly torchserve torch-model-archiver torch-workflow-archiver
(myenv3) serve % pip list | grep torch
torch                     2.2.1
torch-model-archiver      0.10.0b20240312
torch-workflow-archiver   0.2.12b20240312
torchaudio                2.2.1
torchdata                 0.7.1
torchserve                0.10.0b20240312
torchtext                 0.17.1
torchvision               0.17.1
(myenv3) serve % torchserve --start --ncs  --models densenet161.mar --model-store ./model_store_gen/
Torchserve version: 0.10.0
Number of GPUs: 0
Number of CPUs: 10
Max heap size: 8192 M
Config file: N/A
Inference address:
Management address:
Metrics address:
Initial Models: densenet161.mar
Netty threads: 0
Netty client threads: 0
Default workers per model: 10
Blacklist Regex: N/A
Maximum Response Size: 6553500
Maximum Request Size: 6553500
Limit Maximum Image Pixels: true
Prefer direct buffer: false
Allowed Urls: [file://.*|http(s)?://.*]
Custom python dependency for model allowed: false
Enable metrics API: true
Metrics mode: LOG
Disable system metrics: false
CPP log config: N/A
Model config: N/A
System metrics command: default
2024-03-12T15:58:54,702 [INFO ] main org.pytorch.serve.wlm.ModelManager - Model densenet161 loaded.
2024-03-12T15:58:54,702 [DEBUG] main org.pytorch.serve.wlm.ModelManager - updateModel: densenet161, count: 10
Model server started.
(myenv3) serve % curl -T examples/image_classifier/kitten.jpg
  "tabby": 0.46661922335624695,
  "tiger_cat": 0.46449029445648193,
  "Egyptian_cat": 0.0661405548453331,
  "lynx": 0.001292439759708941,
  "plastic_bag": 0.00022909720428287983


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