ts.metrics package
ts.metrics.dimension module
Dimension class for model server metrics
class ts.metrics.dimension.Dimension(name, value)[source]
Bases: object
Dimension class defining key value pair
return an dictionary
ts.metrics.metric module
Metric class for model server
class ts.metrics.metric.Metric(name, value, unit, dimensions, request_id=None, metric_method=None)[source]
Bases: object
Class for generating metrics and printing it to stdout of the worker
Reset Metric value to 0
return an Ordered Dictionary
Update function for Metric class
- Parameters:
value (int, float) – metric to be updated
ts.metrics.metric_collector module
Single start point for system metrics and process metrics script
ts.metrics.metric_encoder module
Metric Encoder class for json dumps
class ts.metrics.metric_encoder.MetricEncoder(*, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, default=None)[source]
Bases: JSONEncoder
Encoder class for json encoding Metric Object
Override only when object is of type Metric
ts.metrics.metrics_store module
Metrics collection module
class ts.metrics.metrics_store.MetricsStore(request_ids, model_name)[source]
Bases: object
Class for creating, modifying different metrics. And keep them in a dictionary
add_counter(name, value, idx=None, dimensions=None)[source]
Add a counter metric or increment an existing counter metric
- Parameters:
name (str) – metric name
value (int) – value of metric
idx (int) – request_id index in batch
dimensions (list) – list of dimensions for the metric
add_error(name, value, dimensions=None)[source]
Add a Error Metric
:param name: metric name
:type name: str
:param value: value of metric, in this case a str
:type value: str
:param dimensions: list of dimensions for the metric
:type dimensions: list
add_metric(name, value, unit, idx=None, dimensions=None)[source]
Add a metric which is generic with custom metrics
- Parameters:
name (str) – metric name
value (int, float) – value of metric
idx (int) – request_id index in batch
unit (str) – unit of metric
dimensions (list) – list of dimensions for the metric
add_percent(name, value, idx=None, dimensions=None)[source]
Add a percentage based metric
- Parameters:
name (str) – metric name
value (int, float) – value of metric
idx (int) – request_id index in batch
dimensions (list) – list of dimensions for the metric
add_size(name, value, idx=None, unit='MB', dimensions=None)[source]
Add a size based metric
- Parameters:
name (str) – metric name
value (int, float) – value of metric
idx (int) – request_id index in batch
unit (str) – unit of metric, default here is ‘MB’, ‘kB’, ‘GB’ also supported
dimensions (list) – list of dimensions for the metric
add_time(name, value, idx=None, unit='ms', dimensions=None)[source]
Add a time based metric like latency, default unit is ‘ms’
- Parameters:
name (str) – metric name
value (int) – value of metric
idx (int) – request_id index in batch
unit (str) – unit of metric, default here is ms, s is also accepted
dimensions (list) – list of dimensions for the metric
ts.metrics.process_memory_metric module
Collect process memory usage metrics here
Pass a json, collection of pids and gpuID
- Returns:
- Return type:
use psutil for cpu memory
:param pid: str
:return: int
ts.metrics.system_metrics module
Module to collect system metrics for front-end
ts.metrics.system_metrics.collect_all(mod, num_of_gpu)[source]
Collect all system metrics.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Collect gpu metrics.
- Parameters:
num_of_gpu –
- Returns:
ts.metrics.unit module
Module to define Unit mappings
class ts.metrics.unit.Units[source]
Bases: object
Define a unit of elements
Module contents
This is a folder for all python worker metrics.